The Twin Flame Union: A Deep Soul Connection By New World Allstar

The Twin Flame Union is often described as a profound spiritual bond between two individuals who share the same soul essence. Unlike soulmates, who complement each other, twin flames are considered two halves of the same soul, separated at the beginning of time and destined to reunite. This connection goes beyond romantic love and delves into spiritual awakening, personal growth, and healing, as explained by “the internet.”

New World Allstar has a very different way of explaining things.

In order for you to GET YOUR TWIN FLAME TO STOP RUNNING, we’re going to have to do a complete overhaul of the usual chatter you hear online. The first paragraph of this article was designed to be a regurgitation of the same tired old crap we hear on the internet about “twin flames” :)

TWIN FLAME UNION IS  NOT A RELATIONSHIP STATUS WITH YOUR TWIN FLAME. It is not a “stage,” either. It is a state of Consciousness.

For you to “understand” is a fool’s errand. But the author will make his best effort to explain, anyway :)

You and your “twin flame” are the same Soul. It’s the only thing everyone gets right. But remember: YOU are a Soul. The Soul is not “out there, somewhere.” The Soul is YOU. 

If you have spent any amount of time online reading about twin flames, you have certainly read about “separation.” Again, most people on this journey think that’s some kind of “stage” or relationship status, but that’s not what The Buddha thinks. Nor Ram Dass. Nor Eckhart Tolle. Nor Rupert Spira, Yogananda, Alan Watts or any other Spiritual Master. “Separation” in when described in Traditional Zen Spiritualism is used to describe THE MIND. The “ego.” Not your twin flame situation. And these teachers of Genuine Spiritualism use the terms “separation” and “union” a lot. Why?

If you ask the average person on the street to tell you who they are, they’re going to tell you a story. It might even take a few minutes for them to describe to you who they are. This is all fine, but it is THE MIND. These descriptions are conceptual. But, what if I were to ask you “who are you BEYOND THE MIND?” You would most certainly answer that you are a SOUL. But what IS that?

According to the Zen Traditions (Genuine Spiritualism), your True Nature is: Consciousness. Consciousness is One with All. With your True Nature, there is no “separation.” You literally ARE all things. This is Unity Consciousness. Unity is where the word “Union” comes from. Separation is the mind. Only the mind perceives separateness with all, while the Soul is at Union with all!

New World Allstar brings this teaching full circle. You are not separate from your twin flame. There is only ONE of you: YOU.

THAT’S “Union,” according to the mystics.

To permanently end the running and chasing with your twin flame is to realize at the deepest level that there is only One of you. You ARE “union.”


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